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2023 Study Abroad: Bocconi University in Milan, Italy

I studied at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy from January to June 2023, travelling to 20+ cities and 9+ countries during my journey.

Arriving in Milan, the air thrummed with the melodious lilt of a language unfamiliar to my untrained ears. Excitement danced with trepidation in my chest. Acceptance to Bocconi University – Italy's esteemed business school – had marked a dream realized. Yet, the reality on the ground differed starkly from the romanticized visions I'd conjured. I, a novice American, knew no Italian beyond tourist phrases, armed only with Duolingo lessons crammed in before my flight.

Milan swiftly became an immersion course in cultural nuance. Bustling crowds navigated cobbled streets, their rapid-fire Italian leaving me adrift in a sea of unintelligible sounds. Menus presented unfamiliar delights, shop signs displayed swirling calligraphy – every corner whispered "foreign." Culture shock wasn't a travel brochure cliché; it was an immediate awakening to the limitations of my pre-departure language lessons.

The initial weeks were a crucible of fumbling and frustration. A housing scam left me adrift, nights spent in hostels as I desperately sought a haven. Navigating public transportation, ordering food, even asking for directions – each interaction became an exercise in charades and broken English. It was akin to wading through a foreign sea, gasping for air, the familiar receding with every stroke.

Yet, amidst the chaos, resilience sprouted. The kindness of strangers – a shop owner patiently translating ingredients, a fellow student sharing their notes – offered lifelines. With each hesitant "Buongiorno," each mangled sentence, confidence blossomed. I absorbed the essentials on the fly, my tongue forming around unfamiliar sounds, my ears attuning to the city's rhythmic pulse.

Milan became my vibrant classroom. Every interaction, every stumble, was a lesson. The aroma of freshly baked bread from a corner bakery, the animated debates in bustling piazzas – these were my textbooks, teaching me about Italian life, culture, and spirit.

As I settled in, Milan unveiled its magic. Exploring hidden cafes, getting lost in ancient piazzas, and marveling at the soaring Duomo became daily rituals. But the world beckoned beyond the city limits. Armed with a Eurail pass and a thirst for exploration, I embarked on a European odyssey. Nine countries unfolded beneath my feet: the impeccable views of Brussels, the sun-drenched beaches of Greece, the alpine slopes of Geneva. Each encounter, each conversation, chipped away at the barriers of language and culture, revealing the beating heart of Europe.

In Barcelona, a fortuitous reunion with a high school friend studying abroad became a beacon of familiarity. We explored the city's vibrant streets, sharing stories and laughter until the early hours. It was a poignant reminder that despite the foreignness, human connection transcended language.

Back at Bocconi, the classroom buzzed with intellectual energy. Discussing international business with classmates from across the globe, engaging in lively debates with professors – the in-person interaction I'd craved after years of remote learning reawakened my passion for education. The value of shared laughter, spontaneous discussions, and the camaraderie of learning together was undeniable.

The semester wasn't all gelato and gondola rides. The economic disparity between Northern and Southern Italy, evident during my visit to family near Bari and Naples, offered a sobering glimpse into the country's complexities. Seeing the resilience of my family, who had immigrated from this region, gave me a deeper appreciation for their struggles and sacrifices.

Looking back, Milan wasn't just a semester abroad; it was a transformative journey. I navigated language barriers, confronted cultural differences, and discovered a world beyond my own. Each challenge honed my adaptability, resilience, and cultural sensitivity. My initial awkward fumbles in Italian evolved into confident conversations, opening doors to friendships and experiences I wouldn't have traded for the world.

Milan ignited a fire within me, a passion for exploration and understanding. The world, I realized, wasn't just a collection of countries on a map, but a tapestry woven with diverse cultures, histories, and stories waiting to be discovered. With every new language learned, every unfamiliar custom embraced, I'd chip away at the barriers, building bridges of understanding and connection.

This Milan adventure wasn't just about academic pursuits; it was about self-discovery. It pushed me beyond my comfort zone, forcing me to confront my limitations and grow as an individual. I learned to embrace the unknown, to navigate challenges with grace, and to find beauty and meaning in the most unexpected places. The lessons learned, the connections forged, and the memories made will forever be etched in my heart, a constant reminder of the transformative power of stepping outside your comfort zone and embracing the world with open arms.


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