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As an International Scholar, I wasn't simply traversing continents; I was immersing myself in a transformative crucible of cultural nuances, academic rigor, and self-discovery. This wasn't merely a study abroad program; it was a journey that forged me into a more adaptable, resilient, and globally-minded individual. The lessons learned, the challenges overcome, and the connections forged have left an indelible mark on my personal, academic, and professional aspirations.


My foray into Milan was an immersion in espresso and cultural complexities. Language barriers loomed large, social cues remained cryptic, and navigating daily life felt like deciphering an ancient code. Yet, within this initial discomfort, an invaluable learning process unfolded. Every fumbled "Buongiorno," every misinterpreted phrase, became a stepping stone towards cultural fluency. Immersing myself in the Italian language through formal classes, conversations with locals, and the symphony of the city streets, I unlocked a new lens through which to perceive the world.


Beyond language acquisition, the academic terrain at Bocconi University stretched my intellectual muscles. Engaging in lively debates with international classmates, grappling with complex business concepts, and presenting my ideas in front of renowned professors – these experiences pushed me beyond my comfort zone and honed my critical thinking, communication, and analytical skills.


The most transformative aspect of the program wasn't confined to textbooks or classrooms. It was the tapestry of experiences woven outside the academic sphere. Traveling across nine European countries, I reveled in the diverse cultural mosaics, learned from historical landmarks whispering forgotten stories, and connected with individuals from vastly different backgrounds. These encounters shattered pre-conceived notions, fostered empathy, and instilled a respect for the richness of human experience.


Closer to home, visiting family in Southern Italy offered a poignant glimpse into the economic disparities within the country. Witnessing the resilience of my ancestors who immigrated from this region deepened my understanding of family history and ignited a desire to bridge cultural divides.


This program wasn't all smooth sailing. Housing scams, language barriers, and moments of homesickness presented hurdles to overcome. However, these challenges became opportunities for growth. With each obstacle, I discovered a wellspring of resilience within myself. I learned to adapt to unforeseen circumstances, embrace the unknown, and seek help from the kindness of strangers – a skill applicable not just in foreign lands, but in all aspects of life.


Throughout this journey, moments emerged that mirrored my strengths and aspirations. Presenting my research findings at a conference in Barcelona, I channeled my passion for communication and cultural exchange, sparking discussions and connecting with like-minded individuals. Leading a group of fellow students on a walking tour of Milan, I honed my leadership skills, navigating the bustling streets with confidence and sharing my newfound knowledge with enthusiasm. These experiences instilled a sense of pride in my abilities and reaffirmed my desire to pursue a career that fosters cross-cultural understanding and meaningful connections.


The impact of this program transcends the semester spent in Milan. The global perspective I gained has irrevocably shaped my academic and professional goals. As I graduate this Spring 2024 with a Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems, I return to PwC as a Technology Consulting Associate in the Salesforce practice. In this role, I'll leverage my technical skills and newfound cultural understanding to help clients across diverse industries optimize their business processes and gain a competitive edge in a globalized marketplace.


However, my aspirations extend beyond immediate career goals. I plan to pursue an MBA in the future to further cultivate my business acumen and leadership skills. Ultimately, I dream of starting my own internationally-focused business – a venture that embodies my passion for bridging cultural divides and fostering meaningful connections on a global scale. Regardless of the specific path I choose, the invaluable lessons learned in Milan will serve as a compass, guiding me towards a future where cultural understanding, technological innovation, and global collaboration are at the forefront.

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